's up here..perfect day for a start !!!

Loads of responsibilities growin up on u day by day..deadlines comin up closer..havin enough time to do away with all priorities but still failin to do so, yeh don know how but time does fly by.. !!!
so jus sittin in front of my old p3 n guessin how to get rid of the frustration, for not being able to live the way i want to..for not being able to work the way i want to..well, random thoughts came up my mind..y not start blogging !!! y not jus throw it up all here instead of keepin it inside my yeh finally it's up own blog !!!
now all u ppl who thought i'm too shy a person to jus let anyone sneak-a-boo into my life..hope i get to prove u wrong !!

DISCLAIMER : Don't expect any jazzy language stuff, any spiced up gossips here...nope, not in this place...but yeh don't complain about d random stuff u may come across on this blog..coz no matter how much organised i seem to be as an individual, i'm pretty random at times !!!...

" Life's Unfair, Deal with iT "- thats wat i believe in...


Anonymous said...

Awesome U finally started it ehh :D
nd just like v decided am opeing up mine in public access :D